Blog on github? What?

Here I want to describe, how that blog works. I’ve discovered it a couple of days ago, but as I see it’s pretty awesome and lightweight. First, what is GitHub? GitHub is literally a hub, where you can store your source codes using git. More important is that fact, that github become a powerful portal with rich functionality. One function is “Gitbook Pages”. It allows you to publish some info using git and standard markup. So, let’s see step-by-step how to make a blog like this! Hope, this post will be useful for someone.

Here’s an installation’s steps:

  • Sign Up/In on GitHub
  • Go to the Jekyll-now repository
  • Fork it!
  • Rename forked repository just like
  • after that, edit _config.yml. File’s structure is simply enough, so no problem should be appeared.
  • After that, go to Settings to check from which branch is site built. If you see something like:

Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built from the master branch.

than all OK. If not - select branch and press “Save”

  • Now go to
  • That’s it! You’re UP&Running!

Right. So, how to make a post?

First step is to clone your new repository:

git clone

Great! Now you can make your first post! Just create new file inside posts folder, just like

touch posts/

Basically, this file could contain only the following information:

$ cat posts/   # <--this is how you may see content of text file

layout: post
title: Post header, which is visible on a page
Hello world!

$ git add posts/
$ git commit -m "Very first post"
$ git push   

After that git ask your username/password pair. Easy enough, right? So, now you can go to and your hello should be there.

What’s next?

Well, since now you may do what you want with your blog! Good idea is to add search and comments, tune fonts and colors and many more. But I have to admit, it’s pretty clear and convinient, to have post’s collection stored in .md format. Let’s see how it’ll be in the future.

Written on August 3, 2017